Ideal Protein Transformation

Today, we're thrilled to share the inspiring story of Jeanine, a client who has experienced a remarkable transformation through the Ideal Protein program at Medically Speaking.

In July, Jeanine embarked on Phase 1 of Ideal Protein with the expert guidance of our patient care manager, Marisela, and Dr. Linda Huang at Medically Speaking. Since then, she has lost an incredible 35 pounds, but her journey is about so much more than the numbers on the scale. As we delve into Jeanine's story, you'll discover the life-changing impact the program has had on her health, mindset, and overall well-being. Her experience is not just about weight loss; it's about gaining knowledge, empowerment, and a support system that has been instrumental in her success.

Check out her testimonial below!

My Incredible Journey!

“First off, I would like to thank Marisela and Linda Huang, MD at Medically Speaking for their guidance and education throughout my journey with Ideal Protein. I could not have achieved success without the support and expertise of the staff at Medically Speaking. The support system provided by Medically Speaking was invaluable. Whether through regular check-ins or virtual meetings with my coach, I never felt alone in my journey. I am truly grateful.

I am writing this testimonial to share my incredible journey with Ideal Protein. Before embarking on this life-changing adventure, like many, I struggled with my weight, especially after turning fifty. I tried various diets, even appetite suppressants, but none of them had any long-term success. Due to being overweight, I struggled with acid reflux, high blood pressure, painful inflammation of my Achilles tendon, and swollen feet, and my A1C and sugar levels were climbing to unhealthy levels. This was a wake-up call, and I knew I needed to do something.

Starting Ideal Protein was a game-changer for me. What sets this program apart is its overall approach to weight loss, focusing not only on shedding fat pounds but also on understanding the science of weight loss and how to make informed choices for my long-term well-being. This knowledge has empowered me to continually meet my weight loss goals. My results speak for themselves. Not only did I achieve significant weight loss, but I also experienced a profound transformation in my overall health and mindset. I feel more energetic, confident, and equipped with the tools to lead a balanced, fulfilling life. These tools are lifelong skills so one can continue to maintain a healthy weight and have a good quality of life.

I highly recommend Medically Speaking and the Ideal Protein program to anyone seeking a sustainable and effective approach to weight loss. Working with Medically Speaking and Ideal Protein goes beyond the numbers on the scale; it’s a transformative experience that has a positive impact on each individual’s needs.

Thank you, Marisela and Dr. Linda Huang, for sharing your expertise and guidance throughout my journey. I am truly grateful for your support and encouragement.”

If you’re interested in learning more about the Ideal Protein program or additional weight management services, please call our office at (312) 544-0200 or send us a message here.


The Ideal Protein Difference: How Science Supports Your Weight Loss Goals


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