Why Ideal Protein?
Why Ideal Protein?
We understand weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all approach. From one fad diet to the next, we’ve seen the guilt and shame put around weight loss. What you might not realize was that the diet you tried was simply just not sustainable for an everyday lifestyle, or just did not work for you. At Medically Speaking, we understand in order to find a weight loss program that works for you, it needs to be sustainable, measurable and requires support.
So what makes Ideal Protein different from every other weight loss program? Well, Ideal Protein is a body ‘reset’, rather than a diet. The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol addresses weight issues at their source; reducing carbohydrates and fats while ensuring adequate daily protein intake. In other words, the goal is to lose fat, not muscle. While on the Protocol, through personalized coaching, you’re provided with healthier lifestyle education so that you are empowered to sustain your weight loss results over your life course.
Ideal Protein is performed in three phases, under the supervision of Dr.Huang. The three phases of the Ideal Protein Protocol are designed to help you set, achieve and maintain your weight loss goals. During the Weight Loss Phase of the Protocol, we limit carbohydrate intake to encourage the body to turn to its fat stores for energy. By eating Ideal Protein foods, the Protocol helps to sustain muscle mass while teaching you how to develop smarter eating habits and lifestyle choices, to help maintain your weight after weight loss is achieved. The three phases are broken down below.
Phase 1: Weight Loss
Reset the body to burn fat and lose the weight. By restricting carbohydrate intake, the Weight Loss Phase is designed to optimize fat loss through ketosis (a safe and natural state in which the body mobilizes stored fat as its alternative energy source). You’ll remain in Phase 1 until you have reached your weight loss goal.
Phase 2: Stabilization
Reset your mind to maintain a healthy weight and build healthy habits. Following weight loss, you’ll be coached to slowly reintroduce carbs and healthy fats, and you’ll receive a unique-to-you Macro Code based on the number of macronutrients you need to help you maintain your new healthy weight and effectively manage hunger.
Phase 3: Maintenance
Reset possible and live your fullest, healthiest, best life yet. For the first 12 months following Stabilization, you will continue to receive education and support from our coach and clinic as part of the Maintenance Phase. Our coach will provide support and guide healthy food choices for life introducing new strategies each visit on nutrition, healthy eating patterns, behavior change, and environment. Our coach continues to help you incorporate your Macro Code to maintain health long-term. You can stay connected to your coach through our app and Wi-Fi scale, incorporating “Tune-ups” as needed.
In this program, you are not alone. We are with you every step of the way to encourage and provide you with the tools to succeed. When working with Medically Speaking, we provide you with:
Weekly monitoring with Dr.Huang
Experienced coach to keep you on track
Weekly support sessions
Body fat analysis and reports
Nutrition education
Patients can lose (on average) 2-5 pounds per week. This program promotes fat loss, helps maintain lean muscle mass, tones and revitalizes the skin, supports cellulite reduction, promotes vitality and energy, reestablishes pancreatic function through insulin, and naturally suppresses appetite through a healthy diet. For patients with diabetes, we offer a modified, alternate plan optimized just for you.
We want to emphasize that with our program, our goal is to get you to a sustainable diet that will benefit you throughout your lifetime. You will not only learn the benefits of nutrition and balanced meals, but you will also feel it. At Medically Speaking, we truly believe this program stands out from any of the rest and provide you with the tools to maintain a target weight for life.
If you’re interested in learning more, you can request more information, by giving our office a call at (312) 544-0200 or by filling out our contact form here. One of our staff members will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your appointment or answer your questions.